Business Mentor
Executive Coach
Strategy Consultant
Inspirational Speaker
Social Entrepreneur

Past Positions & Accomplishments
President & Founder, SITE Association of Industry, Karachi
(SITE is a industrial zone consisting of 1000s of SMEs)

Member, Advisory Council, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Pakistan
Member, Advisory Council, Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of Pakistan
Member, Managing Committee, Karachi Chamber of Commerce

Author of “invisible” (services) exports scheme presented to the then President of Pakistan who ordered “implement with top speed” in his own handwriting.
Outcome: billions dollar remittances from overseas

Member State Bank of Pakistan Credit Committee

Member, Board of Directors, stock brokerage Elixir Securities, a Dawood group company one the largest business groups in Pakistan

Senior Consultant, Martin Cox, a boutique consultancy in Dubai

Member, managing committee, Karsaz Golf Club

Tasked by Korean Government to advise and assist the launch of Korean —companies in Pakistan. assisted Samsung, Daewoo, Hyundai

Invited by Govt of Brazil, all expenses paid to Expo Conference in San Paulo to develop Brazil’s international trade policy

Secretary General, Pak-Korea Business Forum (appointed by Govt of Korea)

President, Pak-Philippines Business Forum (appointed by Govt of Philippines)

Founder member, Institute of Business Administration Students union

Founder President of Pak-American Youth Forum (PACC)
Member, debating society S.M. Law College (won competition awards)

Set up and later sold:
Software development and internet marketing company
Education Tuition Centre
Engineering industry manufacturing components for multi national brands
PepsiCola bottling plant
Optical manufacturing industry, chain of Opthalmic shops